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Lab Testing for Complex Kids

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

In the world of complex kids, a common thing parents are told is that symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, and behavioral challenges are “just autism” or “just ADD/HD.” It’s also common for parents to be denied basic lab tests for their kids. Sometimes, doctors will grudgingly agree to a couple of tests and say the results are ‘normal’ without really understanding the nuances of the biomedical profiles of complex kids. Other times, parents will push for more in-depth testing and manage to get them ordered, but then the doctor doesn’t have the experience or expertise to actually analyze the results and translate the data into a plan for intervention.

Effective Detoxification Strategies for Complex Kids

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

Complex kids have unique metabolic traits that make them ... well, complex! A significant feature shared by most complex kids is an impaired ability to detoxify their bodies. There are a few reasons for this.

Understanding Mycotoxins and Their Impact on Complex Kids

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the impact of environmental factors on children's health, especially among those with complex needs, like autism and PANDAS. Mycotoxins, toxic compounds produced by certain types of mold, have emerged as a significant concern due to their potential to adversely affect health.

Understanding Auditory Processing Disorder

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is a condition in which the brain has difficulty processing sounds. It’s important to note that APD is not a hearing impairment; it is not related to hearing acuity. Instead, it affects how the brain interprets and makes sense of the sounds that the ears hear. Children with APD might hear sounds perfectly well, but they struggle to understand or respond to them correctly. They often have difficulty assigning meaning to words.

Oxidative Stress & Complex Kids

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

Oxidative stress is characterized by an imbalance between the production of free radicals (reactive oxygen species, ROS) and the body's ability to detoxify these molecules or repair the resulting damage. This imbalance can lead to cellular and tissue damage. In the context of children with autism and other complex needs, oxidative stress has been increasingly studied and is thought to play a significant role in their development and symptomatology.

Kids Don’t Become Mentally Ill Overnight!

PANS & PANDAS: Know the Symptoms

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

PANS/PANDAS is an inflammatory, neurological condition that causes dramatic behavior changes and symptom onset.

The symptoms of PANS & PANDAS include an acute onset or rapid increase in the following:

    • anxiety, including separation anxiety
    • compulsive behaviors
    • obsessive or intrusive thoughts
    • vocal or motor tics
    • changes in urine habits (bedwetting, urine accidents, increased urinary frequency or volume)
    • severe mood swings
    • sensory amplification
    • changes in sleep habits
    • loss of academic skills, particularly handwriting &/or math
    • irrational fears
    • restrictive eating, sometimes due to sensory issues, fear of vomiting, or being poisoned.

Comorbidities of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

May is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month. In the previous post, we discussed Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), a rare genetic connective tissue disorder. This disorder has many comorbidities that can be associated with it. Though some of these comorbidities are not considered rare themselves, when they happen alongside EDS, they can create a rare “perfect storm” of symptoms. One of the most common comorbidities is Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome or POTS. The second most common is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or MCAS. When the two of these accompany EDS, it is known as the EDS triad and is well known to us as “zebras.”

Understanding POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) in Complex Kids

Symptoms, Evaluation, and Treatment

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

As parents, we're constantly vigilant about our children's health, especially if they're navigating the complexities of developmental challenges. One condition that might fly under the radar but significantly impact their quality of life is POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). This often misunderstood syndrome can be particularly challenging for parents of complex kids. So, let's delve into what POTS is, how it manifests, and what can be done about it.

Understanding Hypermobility Syndromes in Kids

Unraveling the Connection to Developmental Challenges

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

Parenting is an extraordinary journey filled with joy, laughter, and its fair share of challenges. For parents of children with hypermobility syndromes, navigating the complexities of their child's health and development can often feel like a daunting task. Hypermobility syndromes are a group of conditions characterized by excessive joint flexibility, which can impact various aspects of a child's life, including their behavior and development.

The Best Labs for Autism

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

Kids with autism and other complex needs benefit from a thorough work-up from a doctor. Not all pediatricians are well-versed in how to care for our kids. Here is a list of tests that I recommend for children with autism, ADD/ADHD, and other neurodevelopmental challenges.

Autism Is Medical

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

Kids with autism share many similar physical symptoms. Let’s talk about a few of them.

Skin issues: Skin is a reflection of the gut! It’s common for kids with autism to have rashes, hives, and eczema. This is always a sign of deeper issues. Many parents are told that their child will simply outgrow eczema, but I generally find this to be untrue. They don’t grow out of eczema, they grow into other (worse) things.

Behavioral Manifestations of Nutrient Deficiencies

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

Nutrient deficiencies and inefficient biochemistry are VERY common in kids with complex needs. Children who have nutrient deficiencies may exhibit a range of behavioral changes, often mistaken for purely psychological, personality, or developmental issues. Some of these behaviors include:

Nutrient Deficiencies & Their Impact on Behavior

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

Biochemistry is a complicated set of reactions that rely on vitamins, minerals, fats, and antioxidants. Many complex kids have significant nutrient deficiencies that can impact behavior. Sometimes, the deficiencies result from selective eating, and sometimes, they’re a more complicated issue like intestinal dysbiosis and malabsorption.

Navigating Selective Eating in Complex Kids

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

ARFID is a relatively new diagnosis. Unlike other eating disorders that focus on body image and weight concerns, ARFID is primarily characterized by a limited range of accepted foods and a heightened sensitivity to certain textures, smells, or tastes. Individuals with ARFID may experience extreme anxiety or fear surrounding certain foods, leading to a restrictive and often nutritionally inadequate diet.

Understanding ARFID: Shedding Light on Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

ARFID is a relatively new diagnosis. Unlike other eating disorders that focus on body image and weight concerns, ARFID is primarily characterized by a limited range of accepted foods and a heightened sensitivity to certain textures, smells, or tastes. Individuals with ARFID may experience extreme anxiety or fear surrounding certain foods, leading to a restrictive and often nutritionally inadequate diet.

The Benefit of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Complex Kids

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

Studies have shown that children with ASD often have lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood compared to typically developing children. This has led researchers to investigate whether supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids may have a beneficial effect on children with ASD.

The FAT Link: The Negative Effects of Fat Maldigestion in Children with Autism and Other Complex Needs

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

Fat maldigestion occurs when the body is unable to properly break down and absorb dietary fats. This can lead to a range of digestive issues, including diarrhea, bloating, and malnutrition. In children with autism, studies have shown a higher prevalence of gastrointestinal (GI) issues compared to their neurotypical peers, and fat maldigestion appears to be one of the contributing factors.

Chiropractic & Kids

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

One of the many questions we hear is, “Why would I take my child to a chiropractor?!” When people think of a chiropractor, they generally think about pain, car accidents, and slipped discs. Our approach at Covenant is different! We are “BRAIN, not pain.”... we are neurologically focused doctors who use the spine as an entry point to influence the nervous system.

Unraveling Tongue & Lip Ties

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

Tongue and lip ties are common conditions that can affect newborns and young children. These conditions occur when the frenulum, a band of tissue that connects the tongue or lip to the mouth, is too tight or thick, limiting the movement of the tongue or lip.

The Negative Effects of Low Cholesterol for Complex Kids

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

Low cholesterol levels have long been considered a marker of good health, but low cholesterol levels can have a range of adverse effects for children with complex medical conditions, such as neurological or metabolic disorders.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Complex Kids

by Dr. Sonia McGowin D.C.

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells, responsible for producing the energy that our bodies need to function. ATP is the energy currency of the body; when the body can't generate it efficiently, a child can experience a range of negative effects.

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